

Our quality standards and years of service continue to offer
some of the most talented field and technical personnel in the industry.

Water and Sewer Leak Detection AND Lead Detection

A simple Electro Scan fact — pipe defects that leak water also leak electricity. Our proprietary technology can detect leaks whether or not water leaks are occurring at the time; not possible with any other currently available evaluation method. Using Electro Scan, municipal sewer utilities and sewer contractors can determine accurate location, measurement, and flow of potential defects within a pipe — essential for any cost-effective pipe repair, renewal, or replacement project. Now with Swordfish, we are also able to provide Lead Detection services in service lines.

Certify: Lining, Repairs, New Installs

Include Electro Scan in your condition assessment program and we’ll create a wet-weather event from within your pipes! Electro Scan finds defects, whether or not the defect is actively leaking at the time of inspection. Our low voltage conductivity probe travels through pipes at 45-60 feet per minute, defects are automatically located and measured in gallons per minute! Results are immediate, require no third-party data interpretation, and it’s normal practice for us to scan several thousand feet per day with a small crew!

Equipment Integration

With Electro Scan field production of 2,000 to 4,000 feet per day and better accuracy than CCTV, you may want to retrofit your CCTV Van with a new Electro Scan Reel. Our Probes can be customized to an Agency’s preferred manufacturer’s controller, winch, and reel. If you have interest in either a complete Electro Scan Van build or retrofit, give our office a call and we’ll send out an itemized budgeting guideline based on your specific requirements.  



Electro Scan Truck



Combined buried lead pipe detection and leak location in one unit

Probe Sensors

Low Voltage Conductivity FELL

Pipe Diameters

0.5” to 3” (13mm to 75mm)


Range from 0 to 10 bar (145 psi).

Launch Points

Live insertion, no digging. Up to 80ft survey length. Pipe Diameters 0.5” to 3” (13mm to 75mm) Meters, Curb Boxes, and more.

Pipe Lengths Per Survey

Up to 80ft (25m) from opening.

Electro Scan, Inc. SWORDFISH - Lead Pipe and Leak Detection


Electro Scan, Inc. SWORDFISH Probe

World’s first hand-held buried lead pipe detection tool. Using an auto-fed cable and low-voltage conductivity probe, Swordfish automatically identifies lead pipes. Readings are transmitted in real-time to Electro Scan’s Critical H20 cloud application, with results independently verified using 3M lead test kits for 100% verification of lead pipe.

Based on Electro Scan’s patented machine intelligent technology, developed in accordance with the American Water Works Association, Manual M77, Water Main Condition Assessment, to measure electric resistance using low-voltage conductivity to locate buried lead pipes.

Live insertion, no digging. Up to 80ft survey length. Pipe Diameters 0.5” to 3” (13mm to 75mm) Meter to main, meter to house inspection. Cable feed system maintains selected speed with its rotating action allowing users to navigate multiple 90° pipe bends.

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Multi-Sensor Trident Probe
Pressurized Water Main Leak Detection. Finding & Measuring Leaks in GPM or LPS.

Probe Sensors

Low Voltage Conductivity and CCTV.

Pipe Diameters

4-10 inches (100-255mm).


0 to 175 psi (12 bar) .

Launch Points

Hydrants, Air Release Valves, Blow Off Valves, Gate Valves, Hot Taps, Meters.

Pipe Length Survey

Up to 400ft (120m) in either direction from access

Probe Dimensions

5 inches x 1.6 inches

Electro Scan, Inc. Trident

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Multi-Sensor Delta Probe
Pressurized Water Main Leak Detection. Finding & Measuring Leaks in GPM or LPS.

Probe Sensors

Low Voltage Conductivity FELL, CCTV, Acoustic Hydrophone, Pressure Sensor.

Pipe Diameters

3 – 60 inches (76-1500mm).


0 to 12 bar (174 psi).

Launch Points

Air Release Valves, Blow Off Valves, Gate Valves, Hot Taps, Hydrants, and Meters.

Flow Rate

Min. Flow Rate for Hydrochute Propulsion is 0.3m/sec. Pull-Through able to handle NO FLOW conditions.

Pipe Length Survey

1 km Recommended for CCTV. Up to 2km with specialised equipment.

Electro Scan, Inc. Delta Probe for Pressurized Pipes

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The ES-620 is our flagship probe designed for 6 - 30 Inch Diameter Gravity Mains.
It is utilized by agencies and contractors worldwide.


For use on VCP, AC, PVC, RCP, CIPP, and other non-metallic pipes.


Locates defects and points of infiltration within 0.4 inches.


Measures leaks in gallons per minute (GPM).


Integrate with existing CCTV vehicle (Cues, Aries, IBAK, IPEK, Rausch).

ES-620 Probe

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The ES-38 is our Lateral work horse. It was designed specifically to
find leaks in small diameter pipes and is utilized by contractors of all size.


For use on VCP, AC, PVC, RCP, CIPP, and other non-metallic pipes.


Locates defects and points of infiltration within 0.4 inches.


Measures leaks in gallons per minute (GPM).

ES-38 Probe and Reel

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Critical Sewers

Locate, Measure, Analyze, and Report Leaks like never before!

Critical Sewers


View results minutes after your crew scans a pipe, moves on to the next, or leaves the job site. Conduct quality control remotely. Track daily production.


With Critical Sewers, you have automated analysis driven reporting at your fingertips. Make well informed rehabilitation decisions faster than ever.


Easily create Summary and Detail level reports your team can review when making decisions to replace or rehabilitate a pipe.


ISO Certifications

Our certified systems maintain thoughtful and effective consideration
towards safety and performance in the field and office environments.

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems

ISO 45001:2015 - Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems

ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management Systems

ISO 9001

ISO 45001

ISO 14001